Monday, September 6, 2010

Where is Linda Danvers?

If I could interview the members of the DC universe I would ask one simple question. Where is Linda Danvers? After Linda’s Supergirl series ended in 2003 she is nowhere to be found. Even more bothersome is that no one Linda worked with or knew in the DC universe even acknowledges her existence today. There is a long list of heroes and villains: Ma Kent, the late Pa Kent, Superman, Resurrection Man, Batgirl/ Cassandra Cain, Lois Lane, Silver Banshee, and Wonder Woman. And they certainly don’t mention Linda around Kara Zor-El!

In a future issue of Supergirl, my dream is to see Kara Zor-El meet Linda Danvers. I’m sure they both would have a lot to talk about! It would be cool to see Linda teach Kara about being a hero, and go on adventures. It would be fantastic to read about the implications of Linda telling the modern Kara about the Pre-COIE Kara. It would be interesting to see how Linda and Kara interact with Superman. And imagine two Supergirls against the world of villains!

Linda Danvers and Kara Zor-El share the mythology of Supergirl. It is important that the DC universe builds on Linda’s unique experiences, that she have further adventures, see the future of her supporting cast members, and help Kara on the heroes journey. Linda is a mythological figure. She should not be ignored. Certainly not after all the good she has done.

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